Saturday, December 26, 2009

Zend Framework


Download the Zend Framework and extract into your local downloaded folder you can see the bin directory.
move to the folder where you want to create the zend project.

If you are working on Windows:
we need to set the environment variable PATH to location of php

if you are using xampp set the PATH to

Now run this command to create the project structure

On Windows:
zf.bat create project projectname.
Note:Make sure zf.bat will be absolute path of zf.bat

C:\xampp\htdocs\>C:\xampp\htdocs\ZendFramework-1.9.6\bin\zf.bat create project testproject

On Linux:
-------- create project quickstart
Note:Make sure will be absolute path of

If you run the above command in particular environment the project structure will be created automatically.

Then you can browse the location http://localhost/quickstart/public/

You will see the Zend Framework Welcome Page

If you Face any Problem in Loading this welcome page check the apache error logs and make sure the Zend directory (the Downloaded From Zend Website) is in your app/library Folder.
If this Folder doesn't Exists copy Zend directory From ZendFramework/library/ to your_application_name/library/
Now Refresh your Browser you will get the Welcome Page.